A Little Bit About Me 

My name Nicolas Nanni, i attend Miamiartsstudio @Zelda Glazer middle school. Im in the Tech Production Magnet Strand. My experience in this strand is unspeakable, the amount of things i have learned in this class is immense.

Game Designer

When i was the age of 8 i got my first Nintendo DS. I was playing Pokemon and i was in love with all of the designs of the little creatures thenon a random day while playing i thought to my self i want to do that one day


Animating is a very fun and interesting job to take on. I have once animated and i did pretty well on it and i hope i can continue that.

Music Producer

I am always listening to music, especcially dubstep. I Want to creat and mix different types of music it intrigues me a whole lot.My mixtape will be fire

Graphic Designer

I want to be able to work for a company that advertises, so i can do brochures, maganzines and other stuff like that

My name Nicolas Nanni, i attend Miamiartsstudio @Zelda Glazer middle school. Im in the Tech Production Magnet Strand. My experience in this strand is unspeakable, The amount of things i have learned in this class is immense.
